• "S" in ESG

    I invest in innovative social sustainability for our communities and the world.

    Diverse cultures are crucial enablers of sustainable social development. Solving the challenges of job disruption, rising inequality, and broken social contracts requires new approaches to competitiveness, workforce education and skills, and systemic integration of equality and inclusion. I promote inclusive and equitable organizations that allow everyone to fulfill their potential. These are a few of my favorite non-profits doing good in the world by improving an industry, developing future leaders, and shaping social equality.

    seam certification™ helps companies create positive social sustainability through commercial real estate in their communities and the world. If your eyes light up over LEED and WELL building standards, this non-profit could be for you. SEAM rigorously measures social responsibility, accountability, social impact, and social justice. I work closely with the founders and partners. If you're in commercial real estate, this organization is pioneering social change.

    link to seamcertification.org

    Our next generation of leaders needs exposure to the best and brightest minds hoping that they are inspired to find solutions that benefit humankind. Real Leaders is an authoritative voice on sustainable business and leadership, featuring individuals, companies, and brands that strive for a better world. I'm a fan.

    link to real leaders community and resources

    Shaping the future of the new economy and society is a massive mandate. The World Economic Forum is my go-to trusted resource to integrate and aggregate all global efforts to improve the state of the world. The power of collaboration can help us solve shared global challenges. " The Agenda" tackles global, regional, and industry-specific sustainability. When I need a shift in perspective, I visit their TikTok feed.

    The Reporting Exchange

    The Reporting Exchange is a free global resource for corporate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting. The platform clarifies what, where, and how to report sustainability issues while supporting clearer, more concise, and better-informed reporting of sustainability information. I use this tool to navigate social reporting requirements across 70 countries and 70 sectors. If you're interested in learning more, here's a brief intro.

  • Growth

    Holistic human development inspires me to be better every day.


    Mindvalley is a bold platform for personal growth in every category of human transformation. Educators, influencers, authors, business leaders, and coaches provide video-based learning in 20-minute daily quests. I love diving into the content, knowing I'll always walk away with a different perspective or critical insight. In addition, the international diversity of Mindvalley's facilitators and community make it a truly unique experience.

    broken image

    I value the teachings of wisdom and compassion that Buddhism has to offer. Tricycle Talks is a podcast series featuring leading voices and thinkers in the contemporary Buddhist world if you're open to different perspectives and curious. Tricycle Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) educational organization dedicated to making broadly available Buddhist teachings and practices.

    Sustainable Living

    This Pinterest board collects tips and resources I'm testing to live a more sustainable life. I'm always striving for progress over perfection.

  • About

    I love spending time with family and friends.

    broken image

    My partner and I live in Atlanta, Georgia.